Mission Trip to Germany

They said that
their experience in Europe was very different because they needed to create friendships before they were able to actually minister to people. Open
evangelism isn’t as commonly seen there and people tend to be more closed off
to Christianity without a friendship being established first.

The group
ministered to refugees from Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iran, and Afghanistan. One night
they hosted an “International Dinner” and invited the refugees along with other
people that were in the area. They had Colombian food, German food, African
food, Arabic food, etc. It was a special time of coming together in unity
despite cultural difference.
Instead of doing
a lot of workshops on topics such as worship, inner healing, evangelism, leadership, etc.
like one would normally do on many mission trips the team worked on these
topics as a team and demonstrated them to the people they were working with.
This was a very different strategy for many of the members of the team but they
said it was a lot more effective with the people they worked with.
In this team we
saw God provide where there were no funds. People preached in English for the
first time, stepped outside of their comfort zones, and used their gifts and
talents to advance the Kingdom of Heaven. There was a time where Juan Miguel
was preaching in Spanish, Lukas translated to German, and one of the refugees
translated to Persian.
We are looking
forward to see what God will continue to do in the lives of these students and
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