A Night With the King... A student project to reach out to exploited street girls

Students beautifying the street girls

A Night With The King

The Christ for the Nation's students have shown how they go above and beyond just a simple project.  Every year Christ for the Nations offers a practical class on dreaming, writing down the vision, sharing the vision, and executing it.  For the past year, the students have felt a burning desire to help the “unlovable” and “undesirable” to society: the homeless and sex-workers.  With the desire to show God’s love to the broken world, they designed an event called “A Night with the King”.  The idea was simple but glorious.  They wanted to have a space to fix up sex-workers hair, make-up, nails, and new clothes and prepare them for a nice meal and a special word shared.  After dreaming this idea, one thing after another began to work out.  The rooftop of a girl’s foundation was offered, and then a catering company offered 60 banquet dinners, a large quantity of girls offered their beauty products and skills, and then a well-known Christian singer offered to be the entertainment of the night. 

Ministering on the roof top
As the team geared up for the evening and the women started their beautifying process, the skies look pretty glum.  Dark clouds above the rooftop, threatened to ruin the event.  A group of students got together and began praying for the skies to clear up and for a wonderful event…. And to the gratefulness of all who were there, the evening was perfect.  The girls walked onto the roof with a new dignity, feeling loved, many for the first time.  The private concert with a banquet meal was amazing, but what happened next was more stunning.  Three students stood up and gave their testimonies of being neglected and sexually abused and how Jesus took them out of all that pain and suffering.  They also told them how to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior.  Many of these girls are now taking steps to change their life style and asking help to leave their lives of prostitution. 

We want to be more of a permanent answer to this cry of help.  Cara and a few other girls are in the hope of going to a anti-sex trafficking conference in Quito, Ecuador at the end of this month and are looking for God’s direction in what their roles are in this next season.  Please be praying for finances and guidance


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