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commitment   /kəˈmɪtm(ə)nt/
1.  the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.
"the company's commitment to quality"

We make commitments every day... They can be simple or life-changing — from simply promising to complete a task to making a lifelong commitment such as becoming a parent or asking for someone’s hand in marriage. But do we take our commitments seriously?Some folks make commitments at the drop of a hat, thinking they can walk away from the obligation if they change their mind. Don’t they understand that commitments come with responsibility? Don’t they care that they may be hurting someone they care about? Don’t they understand that their actions have consequences? If the answer is yes, why don’t people honor their commitments?

Recently I was studying Nehemiah.... Because he had such a strong commitment, the people finished the wall in 52 days, despite many adversities. His great achievement so moved Nehemiah that he wrote:

“When all our enemies heard this, and all the nations around us saw these things... they were greatly discouraged in their own eyes; because they understood that this work was done by our God” (Nehemiah 6:16).

Leaders with commitment are found to have these 4 characteristics

1. A compelling purpose: They make a great commitment to a great cause.
Why are you in the church you go to?
What are you doing that will leave an eternal impact in future lives?

2. A clear perspective: They do not allow fear or other distractions to cloud their vision of the future.
                                  What does Ephesians 6:12 say?

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.

So we must stay alert!!

3. A courageous persistence: they move forward despite the odds... like:

- No one can minister to these people...  the people around here are too stubborn, too busy, too much into their business to be discipled

- I'm not smart enough... I'm too old...  I don't have enough money...

4  A continuous prayer: they pray for everything and obtain God's favor.
MOST IMPORTANT:  Daily Prayer…will keep your heart 

sensitive to God's whisper...

Look what these students have been doing....
Four mission teams were able to minister hope and life to different communities in Colombia, Peru, and Brazil this quarter.  They reached 300 individuals with evangelistic activities and donations of food, clothes and Bibles. 
Juan Felipe reported that their team traveled 2 days down the Amazon river to minister to a community of Indigenous.  There were very few natives who spoke Spanish, as the majority only spoke Ticuna.  The young CPN missionaries learned a worship song in TIcuna and thus they connected with the people.  Some of the elderly indigenous were Christian but few of the young people.  The young missionaries were able to connect with the young Ticunas using a couple of youth that knew both languages as translators.  They were able to share the love of Christ in a new fresh way to be able to extend the kingdom to the next generation. 

The community was very thankful for all the team accomplished that week.  The elders of the community invited them formally to be part of their community which is rarely seen.  The young missionaries returned home with a new sense of appreciation for other cultures and were very thankful for simple things like having a bed, being able to shower and having drinkable water whenever they want.

Sara told us what happened in another community:

In another village, a man traveled several hours with his young sick daughter to the gatherings with the students missionaries.  He had heard that many miracles had occurred in the community in the past.  The students prayed for the young child but did not see any changes.  Instead in the next few hours she got worse.  The community rejoiced the following morning because the little girl woke up healed.  The students gathered with the natives to rejoice in the healing and they felt the tangible presence of God.  Many young people committed their lives to Christ because of the miracle they witnessed.

Ana shared another testimony from a different team who were in the Guajira, a desert region of Colombia.  The night before their ministry time, Ana felt a word from God that He wanted to water seeds that had been sown in the past.  The students felt called to remind the people of Jesus’ love and what he had done for them.  The people seemed to have been waiting for them and received the student missionaries with open arms.
That next day, a woman came who had been suffering for about 8 years from a bacteria in her womb that caused a lot of pain.  A student leader asked Ana if she believed that God could heal her.  Even though Ana had doubts, she said yes and they prayed for the woman and the woman was healed. The pain went away and the woman began to cry uncontrollably because she had not been without pain for years. 
That night, the leader of the team asked Ana to share her testimony but she was timid and didn’t want to say anything. After much encouragement, she shared it and it helped the other students be more bold in praying.
The next day, a woman with thyroid cancer came.  Ana prayed for her and when she put her hand on her neck, she felt a large ball.  The ball became smaller and smaller until it disappeared.  The woman had not been able to cry because of the pain but now she cried from happiness with no pain.  Praise the Lord!!!
The people in these communities experienced the presence of God in new ways but the biggest miracles of all are the student missionaries whose lives will never be the same.  These students are experiencing the power and love of God.  They know that God is real!!
These students will join the many other graduates who are doing the work of God around the world.  Graduates like Sanel y Samoel who just arrived back from ministering to refugees in Asia, like Yubeli who has discipled young people who are now pastoring in Burkina Faso, like Lucas who is leading missions in Europe and Africa and many more.
Will you help sponsor a student and give them an opportunity to share the love of Christ and make a difference in the world !!

Teach in Colombia, South America!

Our school, DESTINY, is recruiting teachers!  

Teach English or other subjects in English and live in a fascinating and diverse part of the world...
serving God as a short term missionary

While teaching here, you can learn a new language, experience the delights of South America cuisine and travel around the continent.

If you or someone you know might be interested in finding out more information, send your resume to:


  • The Bible School & Christian School 
    Pray for more the right workers and for the needed finances.

    It’'s clear our current president is against christianity and religious freedom… please pray for the Colombian president and government. 

    Within 2 years we will outgrow our current rented facility.  We sense that God wants us to help Him to build a new school that will be a part of changing the history of Medellin! 
    Pray for guidance & provision as we navigate these unchartered waters in FAITH.

We want to thank you for your continued support. Your prayers and financial gifts are making
real difference 

in the lives of people here.

How can you help us do more ??

IF you believe in what God is doing here through this ministry...
IF you trust us to be good stewards with every penny sowed here...
IF you sense the LORD leading you to help us do more today...

Use our Secure Online Giving link:

NAI Donate Link

OR...You can send your tax-deductible check to:

Nations Ablaze International
P.O. Box 1468
Wheaton, IL 60187

Our email:
USA Vonage line: (214) 295-6298

for being on the faith journey with us ❤️

your missionary family



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