Brenda Valencia- Walking in Obedience

This is Brenda Valencia and she is currently in her 4th semester of studies here at CPN.
Brenda tells us her story of how she came to CPN and her plans for the future:
“God told me to come to CPN, but at the time I didn’t have the money. It was hard for me to come, but I did it because I knew it was what God wanted; I wanted to walk in obedience. God provided a scholarship for me and it has been a huge blessing for me.

“When I arrived I didn’t know why I was here at first. Many students are pastors kids and I felt out of place, however, during my time here God has worked on my heart and I’ve grown to know the Lord on a deeper level. So many times we try to put God in a box, but He is bigger than what we can think or imagine. CPN has given me tools for ministry to be able to share God’s love with others. I never would’ve thought I’d be the woman the woman that I am today.

I never used to have a passion to preach or be a leader- I was very afraid and thought that people were going to hurt me. Now I know if I keep my relationship with the Lord strong, He will sustain me. He is my reality.

Before I became a Christian I was studying German and in CPN I have been able to study German even more. I participated in a mission trip to the country of Germany and on this trip God confirmed my calling to Europe. I used to work on big projects at my job in the past, but I never used my talents for the Kingdom of God until this trip. I’ve learned that I have to depend on God 100% and He has shown me what He is capable of doing through me.   

In December I will be moving to Germany as a missionary in City of Refuge. I will be working in the main office as the Projects Coordinator. I am so excited for this opportunity and blown away to see how God has brought everything together in His time.”

Brenda leaves a challenge for us all and says, “Be obedient to God's voice. I didn’t understand why I was coming to CPN, but I heard His voice. Once I obeyed, He began to open doors for me and now everything makes sense. Be obedient to His voice- many times we ask Him for answers but we take so long to respond once He speaks.”


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