Daniel Moreno- Serving with Humility

Daniel Moreno is a graduate from Christ for the Nations, Colombia.
He says, “I heard about CPN through my cousin, Jessica, who was studying at the time. I went to the school for a week to see what it was like and after that I knew that I needed to go through the program- I felt a nudge in my spirit.” During his time in CPN, God revealed to Daniel many of His attributes- His love, His mercy, His forgiveness, His grace... In CPN he decided to dedicate his life to serving Jesus and to focus on the things above.

After graduating in December, 2016, he started working in full time ministry in the foundation called Open Arms Ministry. This foundation is located on a farm in the mountains and the goal is a restoration process with boys who are at risk of being on the street. There are currently 11 boys from ages 8-16 and Daniel is responsible for taking care of the boys, teaching them character, discipline, good habits, along with helping them with their education. He has been faithfully working in the foundation for a year and a half and the boys love him dearly!!

Many of the boys who enter the foundation come from dysfunctional families. Their parents struggle with addictions and aren't able to provide a healthy home environment. The majority of them are at risk of being on the streets and the foundation offers a place to help restore their violated rights such as having their own bed, eating three meals a day, studying in school, etc. Some of these boys have suffered domestic violence and the foundation does a process to restore, heal, and help them have a better future.

Daniel says, “CPN helped prepare me to be in the foundation by forming my character. I used to be selfish and in the foundation I help with whatever the boys need and that requires humility. CPN helped me grow in humility and taught me the importance of serving others. It helped me grow in the spiritual area of my life and in self discipline.” 

As a final challenge to us all, Daniel says, “He who doesn’t serve misses the opportunity to help. I encourage you to serve- not to receive the glory, but to do it out of a place of humility.”


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