Elias grew up in a Christian home in Cereté, Colombia. His stepfather is a pastor of a church in the small town.  Although Elias grew up in the church he did not have a personal relationship with God and his priorities and goals in life were to be rich, have a lot of women, and have a big car and house. 

One day, one of his favorite uncles came into town to visit for a week and he talked with Elias about how he had life all wrong.  His uncle told him how his life was falling apart and how things he previously thought were important like women and money were not important to him because they're all temporal. At the end of that conversation, Elias knew that his uncle was warning him and didn’t want to see him go down the same path that he had taken.

So Elias made a decision that day that he wanted to “try out” this whole Christian thing and decided to head over to Cristo Para Las Naciones.  He thought it was a 6 month retreat, not understanding that it was a Bible institute. During his first semester at CPN Elias finally began to know God for himself and re-dedicated his life to the Lord.  Instead of only staying for 6-months he recently graduated from the 2-year program and is leading a team of students to the Amazons.  Then he will return to Cereté to help reach out to the youth of his city.    God is Good!!!!



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