Students Outreach to the Public School

In October we were able to have a very special time with the kids from the school next door. We actually invited the students from the school to come to CPN during our worship time. It was a fun time and the students really seemed to engage during the worship. We have been feeling for some time now the importance and necessity to connect with the schools in our area. We don’t want to be an institute behind bars that only takes care of the healthy, we want to reach out to the people in our neighborhood and area and make an greater impact.

Later that same day some of our students went to the school and did a skit about forgiveness. This created an atmosphere where the kids were able to open up and share about their stories. 

We have now had 3 different opportunities to speak at the schools and do activities with the kids and we are looking forward to having more opportunities in the future.

It has been amazing seeing our students here in CPN go out of their comfort zones and reach out to these students in the schools. We are dreaming for an even bigger connection and impact with the schools in our area!


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