Mission Trip to Segovia
Over spring break in CPN our first year students went out and did missions in 3 different cities- Segovia, La Guajira, and Manantiales. Here is a summary of the team from Segovia:
The team that went to Segovia was able to work in unity throughout the whole trip. God was so faithful in bringing them together, providing above and beyond what they had budgeted for, and making divine connections with the people they were ministering to. This team is now like family!
The first 2 days they served in the local churches in Segovia. In these churches all the women must be in skirts and that was very different for many of them, but it was a good experience. Many of the students were able to step out and preach for the first time!

The team went to an indigenous community called La Po for three days and did some workshops on inner healing with the kids, women, and men. They said that the community received them with so much love and compassion and they felt at home there. God really showed them that His love has no borders- in the midst of new people and new places, God surrounded them with family.
There was a boy in the community whose left eye was deformed and blind. The team prayed for him and God restored his sight!!
The last few days they did a camp for the youth in a farm and had workshops on inner healing as well as lots of competitions. All of the games they did had a Biblical lesson and the teens were able to learn, interact, and have fun!
“All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”
1 Corinthians 12:27
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