Missions Trip to Manantiales

A third group of our students went to a community in Medellín called Manantiales. In this community there are many families that live in shacks- many of these families were driven out of their homes due to the invasion of the FARC years ago and they didn’t have the means to restablish themselves. 

The first day of the mission, the team provided a medical brigade alongside the organization Visión Global, however, the main goal of this mission was doing a spring break camp for the kids and youth of the community. On a daily basis they would pick up the kids, take them to the foundation, and the mission team did activites, lessons, and games with  the children and the moms. 

There was a time where the students began to minister and pray over the kids. There was a lot of inner healing that happened during this time, many kids were able to be free from pain they had been carrying for a long time. 

Seeing the students of CPN step out and love those around them brings us so much joy. We think it’s important not only for them to be a light to the nations, but also to the people that are next to them. A simple smile, a warm hug, and moment of prayer can make a huge difference in someone’s life.

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40


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