My name is Rebekah Hall and I am 19 years old. Right now I am serving as a missionary at Christ for the Nations along with studying. Honestly my
first two days in Amazons I didn’t like it at all. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to be there and I really just wanted to go home; however, after those two days, the Lord completely wrecked my heart. I was serving most of the time in the village of Zaragoza and I fell in love with the people there. We did many activities with the kids, youth, women, and men, but we also made a priority of doing house visits. The house visits were one of my favorite parts because we actually went to where the people were and talked and prayed with them in their normal habitat instead of having them come to us.
There’s one word we really like to use with missions and it’s “flexibility.” We went with a detailed plan of activities and when we arrived we changed just about everything to adapt to the people we were ministering to and their needs. It’s amazing to see how the Indigenous people of these communities know the Bible so well and yet lack applying it to our lives. We decided to do some very visual and physical activities with the youth to portray the importance of Biblical principles in a way they could see it and experience it. We did activities that were fun at first, but left them really dirty at the end representing how sin is fun at first but leaves out hearts dirty and we need Jesus to clean us because He’s the only one who can do so. Every activity involved true team work because we, as the body of Christ, need each other. This was one of my favorite parts of the trip because the youth responded really well, learned a lot, and there was a time for ministry and prayer at the end.
I feel like I went on this trip expecting to give, but more than giving, I received so much. Despite being sick to my stomach for two days and being eaten alive by mosquitos, the Lord did such a work in my heart. He gave me more love than I could have imagined for the Indigenous people in such a short time. Leaving Zaragoza was so hard, but I know it’s only the beginning of what’s to come.
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