May Newsletter 2023 - Loyalty is the KEY

noun:  loyalty
  1. a strong feeling of support or allegiance.
  2. signifies a person's devotion or sentiment of attachment to a particular object, which may be another person or group of persons, an ideal, a duty, or a cause.
  3. faithful to a cause no matter what the consequences

Loyalty... is a powerful and emotive concept that represents a bond of trust, faithfulness, and devotion. It's a quality that we value in our relationships, whether it's with our family, friends, or colleagues. It inspires us to stand by our loved ones through thick and thin, to be there for them when they need us most, and to always keep our promises.

Loyalty is a reflection of our deepest values and beliefs, and it fills our hearts with a sense of purpose and connection.

We are all loyal to some things....
We all love to have loyalty shown to us...
but it's not always easy to show loyalty to others.

I have noticed, over the years, how those who sow loyalty to their leaders reap a high degree of loyalty when they themselves come into positions of leadership. On the other hand, those who refuse to come under another’s leadership and who stir up trouble, invariably reap the same attitude of disloyalty if they themselves come into a position of leadership.

Let me challenge you to allow God to "up your loyalty level" !!
- more loyal at your workplace
- more loyal in your church
- more loyal to your neighbors (are you effectively being light in the darkness?)

"Create in me a clean heart, O God.   Renew a loyal spirit within me." 

--Psalm 51:10  NLT

Reaching Those Who Are Lost . . .

One of the most exciting things that has happened this year is that Joel & Gissy moved back to Medellín to plant a new church.  We are meeting in an internet cafe, and we are already seeing many people come to Christ and start to grow in their faith.  

We count on that you are all praying for us and the ministry here. 
We are so grateful for your support.  We could not do what we are doing without you.

❤️ THANK YOU to those who financially helped us to attend the Leadership Conference in Turkey...

The Leadership Training was incredible.  We were with ministry movement leaders from 96 countries.  The theme was “Increase and Prevail Mightily” (Acts19:20).  We studied how Paul planted the churches of Ephesus as a mission hub, resulting in “all the Jews and Greeks who lived in the province of Asia” hearing “the word of the Lord” (Acts 19:10)

What would it take for all the people in your country
to hear the word of the Lord?

The model that Jesus left was not just to have people say the prayer of salvation but that people are actually discipled.  That is more than just a one-time prayer, but they are taught scripture, formed in character, and then... sent to "teach and form others".  As some of the leaders said, when we send people, there is some risk involved but it is worth the risk to keep spreading the Word.  But, they clarified that it is important to continue to mentor and coach those that are sent.  

Barb and I were challenged to make adjustments in our Bible school courses... to really form leaders who will form leaders to continue the movement.  We see the need for continual mentoring or coaching.  We recognize the importance of forming the next generation of leaders who will continue the work after we are gone.

Key focus.... are we "maintaining ministries" or "creating a  M O V E M E N T ?"

🎉 Celebrating TEACHERS DAY !! 🎉


  • BOTH the Bible School & Christian School have started… we have needs in our staff and finances for both schools

  • ANOTHER ROBBERY AT SCHOOL….a couple of weeks ago someone broke into the school.... they stole around 1,000 dollars of equipment.

  • PRAY FOR PRESIDENT & GOVERNMENT - It’'s clear our new president is against christianity and religious freedom… please pray for our president

  • PRAY FOR LAND TO BUILD….SCHOOL - Including the “pandemic” the school has been open almost 3 years! We sense that God wants a main campus and many "mission” schools in the most vulnerable barrios of Medellin. Please pray for the finances to launch the next ‘“mission schools” throughout this city of 4 million people…

We want to thank you for your continued support. Your prayers and financial gifts are making
real difference 

in the lives of people here.

How can you help us do more ??

IF you believe in what God is doing here through this ministry...
IF you trust us to be good stewards with every penny sowed here...
IF you sense the LORD leading you to help us do more today...

Use our Secure Online Giving link:

NAI Donate Link

OR...You can send your tax-deductible check to:

Nations Ablaze International
P.O. Box 1468
Wheaton, IL 60187

Our email:
USA Vonage line: (214) 295-6298

for being on the faith journey with us ❤️

your missionary family



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