Tired Of Fighting Alone?

How are YOU doing... today As a result of the pandemic situation, many people have found themselves fighting some type of battle - and many of them were fighting all ALONE.  

IN OUR CASE... the Lord had us start the project for the Christian School about 4 years ago.  There are a lot of people affected by the project and many families counting on it for their children.  Last week, we got to a point where it looked like it would be impossible to see the fulfillment of that project.  It looked like it could be finished. 

We want to share some ideas on how we were able to walk through the despair of feeling like we were about to lose everything. 

1.  PEACE -  Recently I (Jerry) caught myself in "just hang on and survive" gear... but God got in my face and reminded us that He LEADS me by His peace
Satan wants to DRIVE us compulsively, but God wants to DRAW us compassionately.  I know it sounds too simple, but the Bible tells us; "
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.  Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done...  Then you will experience God's peace... which exceeds anything we can understand. --Philippians 4:6-7   ( I dare you to try it :)

2.  THOUGHTS - One thing I learned (Barb) is that I really have to control my thoughts.  After a challenging meeting at the Secretary of Education I was in shock that they didn’t award us the license.  I was OK during the day but that night, I couldn’t sleep.  I kept running through the meeting we had and thinking about what I could have said different or why didn’t I push that idea more.  I thought about how unfair everything was.  I was mad at the Colombian way of doing things. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became. But then…I realized that I can’t change what happened.  I need to keep calm and focus on God. Looking at the past, that can’t be changed, paralyzes us.   I can only make plans for what to do next, not change what already happened.  If I think about what I did or didn’t do, I am implying that the project depends on me.  I have to remember that I am not the answer to the problem, God is.  If I take the blame for what I did wrong, I will take the glory when we have the victory.  

There is a difference between looking at how to handle situations better in the future and stressing out for what is already done. 
                                       I can control my thoughts. 
What really helped me was to remember all the miracles that God did in the Bible, in my life, in the lives of people I know.  He has shown that He is a God of miracles!!!  We still don’t have the answers, but now I can think clearly and continue to trust in Him.   --Isaiah 40:26-31

3.  PRAISE HIM -   Praise is our SECRET WEAPON !
Praise is a faith-filled declaration of God's power and nature in the face of impossible circumstances.   Praise attracts the supernatural power of Heaven to bring breakthrough! 

When you are sure that failure is inevitable... when you feel rejected or attacked by those around you... when you feel your weakest... RAISE YOUR HANDS AND YOUR VOICE TO THE LORD - and WORSHIP Him -  not for what he does...but FOR WHO HE IS !!

                       You Are Not Fighting Alone! 👊


  1. Thank you for the encouraging post. I really needed it.


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