What is Your PURPOSE?

If someone came up to you and asked; 

"What is your purpose?"   

How would you answer? 

2020 has been a challenge for everyone world wide. It’s a time when we question if what we do is really worth it. We all have to look at where we can cut corners. We used to decide whether we need to purchase a MacBook or if we can get by with an iPad. Now we have to decide which staff members are most crucial…

After lowering tuition by15%, we received s petition from our students asking us to lower by 40%. We know they are hurting, but we were already over budget. We had let go the non essential staff, the remaining staff sacrificially took pay-cuts up to 50%.    

We looked at everything again. Where can we cut corners? We could take out our mentorship program and inner healing programs and that way cut our staff down by one or two people… but then we had to go back to our purpose. -  We are called to launch world changers. 

When you know you PURPOSE…
making life’s decisions becomes much easier

How can these young leaders change the world if they themselves are not healed and transformed. How ever much we wanted to lower our price more… we had to return to our purpose that drives us. 

We had to look at the fruit of the ministry.   Even during this time of uncertainty, when many missionaries have returned to their home countries, we have graduates ministering away from home in at least 20 nations. They are continuing ministries begin by the Western nations:

    • Yurani is in Niger Africa teaching Bible studies to women,
    • Yubeli is in Burkina Faso mintieron to women who have chosen to leave a life of prostitution,  
    • Natalia is in Turkey producing public (virtual) worship in their native tongue. 
    • Jonatan is in South Africa helping to set up a Bible school that will minister to emotional and spiritual needs as well as theology. 
    • Brenda continues to minister in Germany

Many years ago we were convinced of the need to prepare Latinos to go to the nations. Now we are seeing God’s plan. The passion and courage of these Latinos has sustained them on the mission field while many traditional missionaries have returned home. 

Reaching people, equipping leaders,
launching world changers

“It is more than just our slogan,
it's what we 

How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?   
And how shall they preach,
except they be sent?

Rom 10:14-15 


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