Praying With Witch Doctor
Praying With Witch Doctor
The CPN Amazon Team had the opportunity to share with a witch doctor. We had the honor to be able to pitch our mosquito nets in the chief’s home at the community called San Francisco, a community with no church. As the team was finishing up eating dinner and getting ready to do a public time of worship and prayer at the indigenous community’s soccer field, a girl from the team expressed having nausea and weakness and fell to the ground. Right away, the team's doctor ran next to her and started checking her vitals. She began motioning towards her throat and trying to say “I can’t breath, something is chocking me”. The doctor said there was nothing blocking her airway. The entire team stood up in prayer, fighting an unseen battle. As the attack seemed to lesson, the chief peered into the room we were in because of all the commotion we were making. He gave his explanation for what was happening by saying, “all the good people of this community do not leave their house after dark, because that is when the spirit of the dead roams the paths (streets) and things like this happen.” Although we already knew the community had much witchcraft (especially because there were three witch doctors surrounding it), it wasn’t until that moment that we could understand that witchcraft and the demonic was so ingrained and accepted in their entire culture and lifestyle. It was a wake up call to us as a team on how to face the next few days. With much boldness, we continued with our plan to do public worship and prayer in the field, at night, after dark. We declared that where the Spirit of the Lord was there was liberty and no enemy of darkness would prevail.

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