A Ministry of Multiplication

Leo Grisales, Christ for the Nations graduate who is dedicated to a ministry of multiplication.

There are two things that have marked my life says Leo, “ there was my life before and after I accepted Christ as my Savior and there was my life before and after I studied at Christ for the Nations Colombia”. 

Leo has a degree in Systems Engineering and had planned to study at Christ for the Nations to solidify his walk with God as he worked as a Systems Engineer.  During his time at the institute, he received several prophesies saying he would be going to the nations.  It was a foreign thought to him but after his first missions trip, he knew he was called full time to the nations to raise up workers for the kingdom of God.

Leo graduated from Christ for the Nations Colombia 4 years ago.  Since then, he founded JUMP ministry, he has traveled to 8 nations, ministered to over 20,000 people, has formed ministry teams in four nations, written a book, built 4 churches in the Amazon region,  and has organized a street ministry to bring food , drink and the Word of God to people living on the streets in Medellin, Colombia.

In Peru, he  is discipling a church through video teachings, in Cuba he is ministering to people representing 42 churches about the presence of God, in El Salvador he is raising up evangelism teams with people from 5 different churches, and in Australia, he is taking missions teams and receiving missions teams. 

The El Salvador evangelism team was recently recognized by a local newspaper for handing out water and “reminding the people about the presence of God”.   The title of the article says " Youth Evangelize Using the Message of the Real Thirst for Water".   The article says that they shared liquid to supply refreshment for both physical and spiritual needs.  

What is really impacting about Leo’s ministry is that he has decided not to build up his own name but to sow into the lives of others.  He takes great pleasure in sharing testimonies of the victories of the people he is discipling.


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