

DO YOU TAKE YOUR COMMITMENTS SERIOUSLY? commitment     /kəˈmɪtm(ə)nt/ 1.  the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. "the company's  commitment to  quality" We make commitments every day...  They can be simple or life-changing — from simply promising to complete a task to making a lifelong commitment such as becoming a parent or asking for someone’s hand in marriage. But do we take our commitments seriously?Some folks make commitments at the drop of a hat, thinking they can walk away from the obligation if they change their mind. Don’t they understand that commitments come with responsibility? Don’t they care that they may be hurting someone they care about? Don’t they understand that their actions have consequences? If the answer is yes, why don’t people honor their commitments? Recently I was studying Nehemiah.... Because he had such a strong  commitment , the people finished the wall in 52 days, despite many adversities. His great achievement so

May Newsletter 2023 - Loyalty is the KEY

noun:   loyalty a strong feeling of support or allegiance. signifies  a person's devotion or sentiment of attachment to a particular object , which may be another person or group of persons, an ideal, a duty, or a cause. faithful to a cause no matter what the consequences Loyalty...  is a powerful and emotive concept that represents a bond of trust, faithfulness, and devotion. It's a quality that we value in our relationships, whether it's with our family, friends, or colleagues. It inspires us to stand by our loved ones through thick and thin, to be there for them when they need us most, and to always keep our promises. Loyalty is a reflection of our  deepest values  and  beliefs , and it fills our hearts with a sense of purpose and connection. We are all loyal to  some  things.... We all love to have loyalty shown to us... but it's not always easy to show loyalty to others. I have noticed, over the years, how those who  sow loyalty  to their leaders reap a high degree


  Taking Christ to the Nations Graduate starts a mission school in Guatemala Yeison is from a violence torn town in Colombia. He desired to study at CPN but he didn’t have the ability financially. Fortunately, we had a donor give finances for him to study. During his time at CPN he developed a heart to serve God in the nations. After graduation, he went to Guatemala to serve with a church. The pastor had never considered  a missions program, but after  Yeison took the youth to at risk neighborhoods, the pastor saw how the church could and should affect the community. They expanded and started going to other cities in Guatemala which led to starting a missions school.  Last year they started doing missions work in other countries and they have an effective ministry in Honduras. Yeison met a beautiful young woman in Guatemala and they are now married and have committed their lives to serve God in the nations. Thank you. Your support is making a difference in the nations! ______________


I think it was Einstein who wrote this famous quote: “ Insanity is doing the same thing over and over  and expecting different results .” Most of the Christians I know, and I include myself,…don’t want 2023 to be just a repeat of 2022. They want “more”… more clarity in hearing His voice, more of His incomparable presence , more “ heaven ” in their day to day life! If that’s you, I want to encourage you with 5 suggestions that WORK for us. Following Einstein’s advice; if we want to see changes, we need to make changes. Expect enemy attacks If you’ve decided to follow Jesus… you have “changed teams” from following the world’s ways to committing yourself to allowing God to lead you. Don’t expect “sunshine” all the time. Pull up your boot-straps and jump into the battle! Attacks are coming!… expect them & be prepared! 👊 Pray Daily According to a survey by the Pew Research Center, fewer than half of U.S. adults pray daily … “forgetting to pray is like forgetting to bre


 Thank you Lord... for another awesome year!! We love being a part of your DREAMS . . .

What is a CHEERFUL Giver?


WHAT'S N E X T ???
