Christ for the Nations Grad in the Senate

CFNI Grad in the Senate! Christ for the Nations Colombia (CPN) not only prepares young people for the mission field but students are encouraged to dream about how they fit into God's plan. Charlie Calle was a student at CPN 5 years ago. He had taken a leave of absence from his Engineering studies to seek God. During his year at CPN, God impressed on him to study Political Science. Now, he just graduated and is working with a well known Christian senator to defend the family. He stopped in the CPN office last week to thank us for helping him hear from God for direction for his life. Then he showed us a video taken last week when he made a presentation to the Colombian senate. It was impressive to see the elderly senators all listening to this young man giving his discourse. We need more Christian voices being heard in these volatile days!!! Praise God for the variety of callings!!!