Mission Ecuador Jungle

The greatest joy for us is to see our graduate, Jerson, walking out the leadership that he felt called to at Christ For The Nations, Colombia. Jerson is the son of a missionary in the Amazons. He is dedicated to working with the ministry his father founded. In December, he led a team of 7 students who traveled three days in bus and jeep, and 11 hours in boat to arrive at their destination. Living in the extreme poverty of the community, the team slept on mattresses on the floor and were awakened at night by the sound of rats, bats, and insects. The students said that the hardships they faced were nothing compared to the joy of being able to serve the community. The team brought hope and smiles to the remote indigenous groups. They shared the gospel in a fresh, real way to the indigenous people and saw miracles happen each night. The team did not only minister to the spiritual needs. The people who live along the...