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Mission Río Hacha: The Missionary group that went to Río Hacho had the opportunity to share the message of Jesus with the Guayú Indigenous Community, in addition to being able to minister the power of the Holy Spirit to the children. They were challenged by having to stay in a desert area without access to drinking water. Many of the families walked up to 3 hours just to attend church. Mission Santa Marta: This missionary team was able to share with the local church where they were received with open arms by the leaders who were waiting for them. They had the opportunity to minister by supporting leaders and pastors who have selflessly served for many years to establish the Kingdom of God. The team also helped with evangelism. Mission San Pedro: This Missionary team had plans to minister to people who are in jail, however, at the time of their arrival they were not allowed access. A priest stopped them at the gate because they weren't Catholics. But this did not stop them....