~ Following His Calling ~

At Christ for the Nations, Colombia, one of our values is training up the youth of this generation to go out and be a light in the communities, citities, and nations where God calls them. Our mission is to empower the next generation of Latinos leaders to bring the Gospel to the nations. This is why we love to tell stories of our students and graduates to show the work God is doing and how He has used CPN to further His Kingdom. A graduate of ours (we’ll call her Melissa in the following story to protect her identity) finished her studies at CPN in 2011. During her time here, she was able to really focus on the Lord and dive deep into His word and grow in her prayer walk with Him. One day there was a time of prayer that Pastor Jerry was leading and she began to pray for her nation, Colombia. During the time of prayer, the Lord began to put a heaviness in her heart for China and she started to feel so much pain and compassion for this country. After that da...