It's Better to Give

It’s Better to Give than to Receive While many were relaxing and enjoying the holiday season, several of our students took the advantage of the time off of studying to do evangelism and give out of the overflow of what they’ve received here at CPN. We had a group that went to Amazons and served in several of the communities there! Also others put on a Christmas event with food and worship for the homeless with our newly founded program, Adopt a Friend, and still others dedicated time to serve in their home churches. Graduate Jhonatan Barragan helped orchestrate the 80k conference held in his home church in Girardot, Colombia. The vision of this event was to equip the believers of Girardot with a goal to spread the gospel to reach 80,000 within the city. Our worship director, Héctor Sandoval, was the main worship leader of the event and was accompanied by a few of our students! We love to see our students serve in their communities and thrive in their gifti...